- 2.8M comments removed by moderators of 100 top subreddits over 10 months:
- Use Reddit streaming API to crawl all comments as they are posted on Reddit (specifically r/all, stream of content from any subreddit that is not private) on a continuous basis into a master log file
- Query API for comments after a 24-hour delay for “removed”
- Look in master log file to obtain missing attributes, finding original content before it was removed by mods
- 2.8M comments removed by moderators of 100 top subreddits over 10 months:
- Large scale survey from 2769 reddit users in 2151 unique subreddits through
- Recruited through reddit advertisements, private messages, and distribution on /r/SampleSize
- Recruiting r/ChangeMyView, because they were the only subreddit out of 20 that was willing to share private moderation data
- Researchers collected data on every comment posted to r/ChangeMyView over 3 months
- Survey was used to measure user awareness and support for subreddit rules, as well as their perceptions of how the rules were enforced
- Collected user participation metrics, like account age, comment frequency, and history of comment removals
All That’s Happening behind the Scenes: Putting the Spotlight on Volunteer Moderator Labor in Reddit
- Subreddits affiliated with u/publicmodlogs
- 84 subreddits that were active, does not include any large subreddits
- Subreddits recruited by research team
- randomly sampled 42 subreddit moderators who agreed to share their mod logs
- Captured 64 types of moderation actions over a period of June 2020 to January 2021
- Subreddits affiliated with u/publicmodlogs
Crossmod: A Cross-Community Learning-based System to Assist Reddit Moderators
- Conducting formative interviews with moderators
- Collecting and analyzing existing moderation data
What are the implications of Reddit’s new API policy on conducting research?