This book teaches me that there is an example of a person who has loved both literature and science deeply, and engaged in both to find that the conception of things in literature and philosophy is nothing compared to the lived experience of life and death of patients and life and death onto oneself.

It teaches me that it takes great persistence and soul-searching to find something that you are passionate for, but also then to survive and get to the next step.

It teaches me that it is easy to lose 초심, but that at the very time you desire to give up feeling that you have driven so far away from what you originally envisioned, it is all the more important to persist.

And that in those moments when the paths that we create in life miserably fail, we cannot rely on the dreams of our past, and instead move on to create new ones of the future.

Digging deeper once more.

Contemplating the point of life and the point of death is perhaps a naive act when one isn’t close to confronting either.

To become the person you want to be takes great great work.

Marriage means to love knowing that your partner is nearing death.

[to be continued…]